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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

Dr. Carl and Mrs. Anna Wickland  

arguing with a confused spirit trying to reincarnate 



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 The following is an excerpt from "Thirty Years Among The Dead."
That the belief in reincarnation on earth is a fallacious one and prevents
progression to higher spiritual realms after transition (See Chap. 8. Page
150. Spirit: John Edwards) has been frequently declared by advanced spirits,
while numerous cases of obsession which have come under our care have
been due to spirits who, in endeavoring to “reincarnate” in children, have
found themselves imprisoned in the magnetic aura, causing great suffering
to both their victims and themselves.
A little boy in Chicago, Jack T., had been normal until the age of five when
he began to manifest precocious tendencies and acted strangely.
Formerly he had had the natural disposition of a child but began to fret about
things ordinarily foreign to a child's mind and acted in many ways like an
He worried over trifles, lay awake at night with strange mutterings and
presentiments, and at times had an uncontrollable temper.

He was a boy of good appearance but talked constantly of being old, homely
and ugly looking, and was so intractable that efforts at reprimand and
correction proved of no avail.

This condition became so aggravated that his family despaired of restoring
the boy's reason.

A relative who knew of our experimental work in abnormal psychology
wrote to the Institute requesting us to concentrate for the boy. This was done
and an entity, whose actions and expressions were in every way like those of
the boy, was attracted to the psychic, Mrs. Wickland.

This entity said his name was Charlie Herrman; he was aware of having died
and declared he was a very homely man, with ugly features and a face
covered with pock marks. Nobody had cared for him and this fact preyed on
his mind.

Someone had once told him that after death individuals could reincarnate
and become whatever they wished to be. Since his only desire was to be
good looking, so that others would not shun him, he decided to try and

As a result, he became entangled in the magnetic aura of a small boy and
was unable to free himself.

Finding that he was helplessly imprisoned, and incapable of making himself
understood, he had outbursts of temper and “felt like flying to pieces.”

“They called me Jack at times, but I am not Jack. That was not my name,
and I could not understand.”

Our concentration for the boy had freed the spirit and for this he was very

After instructions were given regarding spiritual progression and he had
been assured that he need no longer be homely if he would discard old ideas
from his mind, forget self and strive to help others, he expressed great
eagerness to go with the spirits who, he stated, had come to help him.
In a letter written a few days later by the boy's mother we were informed
that a remarkable change had occurred in the child.

“Jack is now a boy again and has been very good this week, really like he
used to be.”

He remained normal and received excellent grades in school, where his
progress from that time on was unusually rapid.

At one time we concentrated for a crippled child in Hollywood with
interesting results.


Spirit: Is it really true that I am well now? Can I talk? Can I move my arms
and feet? Then reincarnation is true, because before I could neither talk nor
walk. How did I get out of the child?
Doctor: Intelligent spirits brought you here for help.
Sp. I wanted to come back and reincarnate in a child, and I got in and could
not get out. I was so paralyzed that I could not express myself and I was in
an awful state.
I was a Theosophist and I wanted to reincarnate to be great. I got into a
child's body and crippled it, and also crippled my mind and that of the child.
I stayed in the child because I did not know how to get out. I acted as a child
and I could not talk.
I know I passed out of my mortal body some years ago, far away in India,
but I do not realize when it took place. I wanted so much to reincarnate and
to come back to this earth life to live my other Karma.
Do not hold on to the thought of coming back, but look for something
higher, for the state I was in was the worst torture anybody could have.
I lived in Calcutta and wanted to learn to be a Master and go through my
Karma, but instead I am as you see me to be.
I reincarnated in a child and became crippled, and I also got into the
vibration of the mother. It was very hard and I want to warn others never to
come back and try to reincarnate through a little child. Leave reincarnation
alone, because it is only a mistake, but the philosophy of Theosophy is very
Look upward; don't think of the astral shells, for they are of no use.
I was very selfish and wanted to come back to earth life just to be something
great, but instead I got into a very low state. I had intended to show the
Theosophists that I could come back and reincarnate in a child.
Madam Blavatsky should have taught differently. (Pointing to an invisible.)
I will tell you, Madam, you are the one who is to blame for the condition I
am in today.
Madam Blavatsky stands here trying to help me now. She is the one who
gave me the teachings and thoughts of reincarnation, and now she is trying
to show me the right way and states there is no such thing as reincarnation.
One gets all mixed up trying to enter another's body for reincarnation.
Dr. What is your name?
Sp. I cannot recall my name just now.
Madam Blavatsky was in India and taught Theosophy, had many followers
and I was with her. I have also met Anna Kingsford and Dr. Hartmann, and
he also was to blame for my condition.
They pushed me in here that I might be taught and freed. I am so pleased
that I can talk again; that is something I have not been able to do for years.
Madam Blavatsky, Anna Kingsford and the Judge were all great lights, and
now they have found out their big mistakes. They are all working to get their
victims free, and so they brought me to this place for instruction and
I was in India, having been there for many years. My father was an officer in
the Army. I spent most of my time in Calcutta, where I met all the great
lights of Theosophy, and I joined the Theosophical Society. I liked Colonel
Olcott; he was a great fellow.
I remember being very sick in India for some time. I have no desire to
reincarnate again because reincarnation is a wrong doctrine. It creates a
selfishness to come back.
One can learn without being reincarnated. What I suppose did I learn in my
last reincarnation in the child? What did I learn ?
I believed in Theosophy and my Karma, and I thought I had to go through
with it.
Colonel Olcott belonged to the Great Masters. He belonged to the spirit of
Fire and Water -I mean the elementals of Fire and Water.
Dr. Have you ever heard of mediums?
Sp. They are only astral shells. Madam Blavatsky says we must all help
those who try to reincarnate. She and the others have come to say they are
trying to help and for that purpose have formed a big society.
I thought I had come to life when I came here, and that I could reincarnate
and talk to them as I did in life. I did not know they had passed over.
Teaching as they did, why did they not reincarnate the same as I?
Madam Blavatsky was a great missionary, as you know. She says she is now
trying to make all her victims understand about the life after this as it really
She says that she was a medium at one time, but that she did not want
anybody to control her. She thought you should develop your own self and
mental faculties, and go through your Karma.
I should not have been taught the falseness I was.
Madam tells me that I should listen to this gentleman, (Dr. W.) and that he
will explain things.

Explanations were given regarding life on the earth plane, the preparation
for the life that is to follow, and the fact that the knowledge and wisdom
gained here will be the light of understanding each one carries to the other
side of life.

The spirit finally gave the name of William Stanley, and departed, grateful
for the enlightenment he had received.

J. A., a listless, crippled boy of seven years, with an adult manner of speech,
was a patient from Chicago, who suffered from convulsions and a slow,
hesitant stammering, was notional about his food and subject to violent
attacks of temper.

Through concentration, a spirit was dislodged from him, a superficial
Theosophist, who was peculiarly self-hypnotized.

Spirit: EDWARD JACKSON Patient: J. A. Psychic: MRS. WICKLAND.

Doctor Have you been here before?
Spirit (Slowly.) Myself-do-not-know.
Dr. How old are you?
Sp. (Drawling.) Me-do-not-know.
Dr. Where did you come from?

Sp. Where-they-shot-fire-at-me. (Static treatment given patient.)
Dr. How old are you?
Sp. Myself-do-not-know.
Dr. Don't you understand that you have lost your physical body and are a
spirit? Listen to intelligent spirits who will help you.
Sp. Me does not know anything about spirits.
Dr. Don't you want to know something about them? Where did you expect to go after “death”?
Sp. Me does not know.
Dr. Would you like to know anything?
Sp. That takes care of itself.
Dr. If you had been more concerned about the facts of life you would not be in this condition; you would be in the spirit world. Do you know anything
about the spirit world?
Sp. No.
Dr. Would you care to know?
Sp. I do not know.
Dr. You must want to know. You have lost your mortal body and do not
understand it.
Sp. I don't care.
Dr. You will have to care. Are you happy in your present condition?
Sp. No.

Dr. Were you sick?
Sp. I was.
Dr. What was the matter with you?
Sp. Crippled.
Dr. Where did you live?
Sp. I don't know. It is a long time since I was born.
Dr. Were you a man or a woman?
Sp. I suppose I am a man.
Dr. Were you married?
Sp. No.
Dr. Why?
Sp. No one likes a cripple, and I stuttered and stuttered a great deal. I also studied.
Dr. What did you study?
Sp. All kinds of books that came my way.
Dr. On religion?
Sp. Why, yes.
Dr. Were you orthodox?
Sp. No, thank God.
Dr. Did you have any fixed opinions at all?
Sp. Once, for a time, I studied. Then I was shut up in one place one time and
another place another time. It is the fourth time I have been reincarnated. (Obsessed sensitives.) Twice I got in a cripple.
Dr. Were you a cripple in the first place?
Sp. I do not remember anything about it. People told me to remember about my lives, but I do not. I know I was once a cripple, and then I got into somebody and was more crippled. But I got out. I do not know how I got out. I feel stronger now than I have before, I thought when I reincarnated I should be a nice young man, but instead I got crippled, because I suppose my mind was crippled.
Dr. What did they call you when you were a cripple?
Sp. I had so many names, but you know, I liked the last time. I liked it very
much to be a rich man's son, so I did not need to work. I had my father to
work for me. I had a good time.
Dr. Did you become a rich man's son?
Sp. In a way, yes, and in another way, no.
Dr. What is your name?
Sp. My name was, once upon a time -I do not know. Some time ago, when I was studying Theosophy, I was a cripple born. Some friends brought some books to me about Madam Blavatsky. They called me Edward Jackson.
Dr. What other names did you have?
Sp. The other was J.
Dr. Was J. a grown man or a boy?
Sp. I do not like that fire shooting and someone talking all kinds of things.
Why cannot I reincarnate and not be a cripple all the time?
Dr. I suppose when you found yourself in a rich man's family and thought of
reincarnation you believed you were experiencing your former condition
Sp. It is Karma to develop one's highest self, so the Theosophists say. They chased me out, so I tried again, because I wanted to know if that theory is true or not.
Dr. It is very true in one way -earthbound spirits can control mortal
sensitives. That is very true.
Sp. They must live out their Karma which has been put out for them; it is the only way.
Dr. Where did you come from?
Sp. Chicago. I was going to be a rich man's son, but I was turned out.
Dr. Did you like that?
Sp. I was fighting and when I get mad I do not care what I say, and I get mad once in a while. Sometimes I get so mad because I shall be a cripple all my life. When I reincarnated I got into the same crippled state again.
Dr. Don't you think you had better stop trying to reincarnate?
Sp. I must live out my Karma, and must not interfere with it.
Dr. Then you must continue suffering because of your foolishness.
Sp. I was trying to get to Devachan. I was not well educated, but I read up on Devachan, which is the resting place where they reincarnate again.
Dr. You came back too soon.
Sp. Theosophy appealed to my mind, and then I wanted to have a good time. You must not interfere with your Karma. You can choose your life and I was going to have plenty of money, but I got crippled again. But my mind was good. They said you should not think of your former life.

Dr. Who told you that?
Sp. They said you should progress and not interfere with your Karma, then
you would get to Devachan. I suppose I must be an astral shell. I did not
study enough.
Dr. Would you like to use a little discrimination and progress in the right
way to the spirit life?
Sp. I want to go to Devachan -that is the best place for me. Then you can be a Master.
Dr. You should become a Master of your own destiny.
Sp. I want to be a Great Master. Then I would not be a cripple, and would
have lived out my Karma.
Dr. How were you crippled?
Sp. In my legs.
Dr. Could you not walk?
Sp. No, my knees were too weak and my ankles were weak. I am crippled all over now.
Dr. Could you think and talk?
Sp. Yes.
Dr. Do you like corn meal mush? (An especial aversion of the patient.)
Sp. I don't know what you mean.
Dr. Are you particular about eating?
Sp. I will not eat meat and not much fish. I like to have some raw vegetables. I want my food more sun-kissed. I want to go to Devachan and be a Master.

Dr. Master of what?
Sp. Master of Higher Things. I want to be a Master.
Dr. Madam Blavatsky denies reincarnation now and says it is folly.
Sp. She doesn't know what she is talking about.
Dr. Do you want to be perfectly well again?
Sp. Then I have to reincarnate again.
Dr. Now wake up and be sensible. Understand you are a spirit. You are now controlling the body of my wife.
Sp. I did not reincarnate in another person's body. I thought next time I
would reincarnate differently. You say I am a woman now. I do not want to be a girl -I want to be a man.
Dr. You are using a woman's body just now.
Sp. I have to be born again, even if I am crippled.
Dr. Don't be foolish. Realize you are no longer crippled.
Sp. How can you tell any one not to be a cripple when they are?
Dr. You are now a free spirit, temporarily controlling a woman's body.
Sp. I do not understand what you are talking about.
Dr. Your Devachan does not work at all. You did not study thoroughly.
Sp. Yes, I did, but I disregarded it.
Dr. Do not talk such nonsense. It makes nice earthbound spirits.
Sp. We have to reincarnate to learn and get all kinds of experiences.

Dr. I suppose you could not progress to Devachan if you did not have all the different experiences?
Sp. You have to come back and learn them.
Dr. Do you know what you have been doing? You have been controlling
different persons, and disturbing their lives. An ignorant spirit ruins the life of a mortal sensitive by clinging to him. You have been brought here for help and are now controlling my wife's body.
Sp. I have to reincarnate in your wife? No -I must reincarnate in a child, and be born again.
Dr. This is not your body. It belongs to my wife and you are using it
Sp. Then I have to reincarnate in your wife.
Dr. You are controlling her body for a short time only. Look at this hand -do you know it?
Sp. I have reincarnated again in your wife's body. No -you must reincarnate again in a child and be born again.
Dr. You do not know what you are talking about. If you understood the truth you would not talk as you do. You are an earthbound spirit, making cripples of children.
Sp. That is my Karma. I have to so live until I get Devachan.
Dr. You live so only because of your ignorance.
Sp. When you have a chance to reincarnate why should you not do it?
Dr. When you have a chance to take possession of the body of another and ruin his life, is it right to do so?

Sp. I would just as soon be that spirit in that body.
Dr. The asylums are full of people who are controlled by earthbound spirits like you. You have been ruining the lives of children. Evidently you have come from a boy we know. When we applied static sparks to the boy we got you out. Now you are allowed to control my wife's body temporarily and we are trying to make you understand your condition.
Sp. That has nothing to do with my Karma.
Dr. You have lost your physical body a long time ago. Do you realize that
you are controlling my wife's body?
Sp. It is my Karma, and I don't care.
Dr. You have been bothering a little boy and you should now listen to what
is being told you.
Sp. I know the only truth is reincarnation. I have reincarnated, and I will
Dr. You will have to leave at once if you cannot be sensible.
Sp. You cannot frighten me out. I am reincarnated.
Dr. Where is your mother?
Sp. She is in Devachan. She is ready to reincarnate again.
Dr. You will soon see spirits who will show you something different.
Sp. They are only astral shells.
Dr. They will put you in a dark dungeon. You do not know the A-B-C of
Theosophy. You do not want to know.
Sp. You cannot stop my talking if I want to talk. I am reincarnated again. I
am going to live out this Karma. If I am a woman now, I will live it out. If I
get killed, that is part of my Karma. I will just have to study and get in the
Inner Circle, and know that God is my Creator. I have reincarnated and I will reincarnate again, then go to Devachan and be happy. I will finish my Karma.
Dr. You get out and take your Karma with you.
Sp. You think you are going to take away what is my Karma, but you will
not. I am happy and I am going.



Editor's last word: