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Reincarnation On Trial

Do others volunteer to come to the Earth with you in order to teach you lessons? Do these others volunteer to cause you trouble, persecute you, injure you, take what is yours, and, in some cases, kill you, to offer you a service of helping you to learn lessons?



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egregiously unwise

There are many egregiously unwise philosophies associated with reincarnation theory, but this one needs to win a special prize for antithesis to natural law. No one, in the history of the world, has ever ”served” another by oppressing, raping, injuring them.

Some concepts are so obtuse, so contrary to how the real universe works, one hardly knows where to begin to address the blatant sophism.

I’m reminded of one small point, only tangentially relevant, but I’ll mention it. A very long time ago at bible college an instructor was speaking of Peter’s three-time denial of Jesus. And the question was asked, how did God arrange for this prophecy to be fulfilled? Who superintended the details? Did some spirit agency need to cause or inspire Peter to vilify that exact number of times? And I still recall my shock at the instructor’s answer, a brand new concept for me at the time: to the effect, “No one had to control Peter, or somehow inspire a certain number of times. The fact of the matter is, Peter would have denied Jesus any number of times – three times, thirty-three times, or a hundred times, until the event was stopped. And any of us would have done the same.”

The dysfunctional ego, activated and set in motion – this means anyone -- under sufficient provocation, if thoroughly unenlightened, is capable of committing any atrocity of history, or even more sordid, if pushed far enough, deluded enough.

To suggest that a specially denominated perpetrator of evil, violence, misrepresentation, rape, fraud, etc., would need to make a special trip from the afterlife to ensure that another’s so-called “karmic plan” is properly orchestrated represents an utter lack of knowledge concerning natural law.

'the end justifies the means' (and other delusions of the ego)

Editor’s note: Think about this. Where’s the godly morality in this? – even the bible says, “you cannot commit sin that good may come.” This is just a version of “the end justifies the means", what every tin-star dictator operates on: "we can do whatever we like, pursue any atrocity, because our cause will bring utopia." And to those reincarnation true-believers who accept this kind of perversity, then you'll end up justifying the committing of violence, fraud, injury, killing, in order to “serve” another’s “karmic plan.” I’ll just say that, those who think this way have some surprises coming up when they cross over. Many of the Spirit Guides say that if one has not lived a good and honest life, then reincarnation will be seen as a way to escape the consequences of one's folly. But there are a billion hapless people in the Dark Realms who would dearly love to reincarnate for another roll of the dice, but this option is not part of natural law and does not exist.

First of all, there is no such thing as a “karmic plan”, such that “I need to suffer in this precise way in order to pay a debt for a past-life infraction.” This is a fairy-tale and has never, ever happened. We all have the same primary “plan” when we come to planet Earth, which is to individuate, to become a person in our own right. There is no other primary plan. While we all have unique strengths which speak to destiny, these implied secondary plans are for the future, when we'll have opportunity in a just society, and not so much right now, as there's more basic business for us to attend to at the moment.

But even if we allow that we learn to individuate through suffering – which is not entirely correct – then, if this is the case, then there would be absolutely no need to recruit, train, enlist another to perform some point of evil so that “I may learn a lesson.”

thanks anyway, but we got all we can use

If suffering is required to help one “open the eyes” of maturity, then – trust me here, but you’ve already discerned the following if you’re older than 12 – there will be any number of participants-to-evil only too willing and eager to defraud, injure, rape, cheat, oppress, and otherwise take advantage of you. They’re lining up now. And so there’s no requirement to import volunteers to come here as "service" to commit evil – thanks anyway, but we got all we can use.

And if your life this moment seems uncharacteristically calm, then, no need to go seeking for trouble, for volunteers to do you in, because, don’t worry, wait a little while, trouble will find you -- soon. This is standard procedure here on the “sorrowful planet.”

Now, everybody knows this – just listen to the news, even right now, for the “outrage of the day” – we all know this, but those who are compelled to believe in reincarnation stupefy themselves to accept nonsense in order to lend a veneer of logicality to a tortured theory. I’ve called this gross self-delusion the “Joker is wild” principle.


reprinted from the "Prometheus Intro" page:

the divinely appointed mechanism

“Probably the explanation of the perpetually recurring vexations, disappointments, and misfortunes are that these are the divinely appointed mechanism to develop the higher qualities. How does one acquire patience, serenity, generosity, save through their exercise in meeting trials and sorrows? These obstacles are as essential to spiritual development as the practice of the scales to the development of the skill of the pianist... defeat and disaster are as valuable in relation to the wholeness of life as are triumph and prosperity." Lilian Whiting, “The World Beautiful”

Editor’s note: In the article “500 tape-recorded messages from the other side” we discussed a great controversy in that realm: some promote the existence of the “light within,” the inner soul-riches, while others know nothing of this. This latter group preaches a cluster of doctrines associated with the non-reality of “the life within,” the most notable tenet being reincarnation. See 90 articles exploring the errors of this fraudulent idea.

Linked to reincarnation are closely held notions of karma, past lives, and learning specific Earth-lessons, often related to a purported earlier life. None of this is true. As one surveys a vast field of data, the apparent support for reincarnation melts away into a nothingness.

But Lilian Whiting, in the above quote, takes us to the foothills of the truth. There are no specific lessons to be learned on planet Earth other than becoming an individual in one’s own right – this “kindergarten” curriculum prepares us for what comes next concerning the infinite worlds and dimensions to come.

One’s individuation is accomplished by undergoing the gauntlet of our world’s pokes and jabs, “defeats and disasters”, and sometimes, just to keep us guessing, brief interludes of “triumph and prosperity”. These antitheticals are equally educational for us, in that, as has been said, there are two things that make the ego miserable: not getting what it wants, and getting what it wants.

The polar opposites of planet Earth, the “vexations, disappointments, and misfortunes”, no matter the cause or kind, hone and draw from us a differentiated personhood. This means we’re good to go, and ready for the next world. And there is no such thing as reincarnational doctrine of “learning specific lessons.” This was invented, on an ad hoc basis, to offer a veneer of logicality -- what I call, "the Joker is wild principle" -- to a tortured theory which cannot survive close scrutiny.

"Learning specific lessons" is an example of the error of deductive reasoning. However, the charge will be leveled, how do I know that what I say is not the same kind of error? My answer is, when you "go within" you yourself will become the evidence, and will find out what is true and what is propaganda of the ego.

over there, one can live in an alternate reality, simulate what you like, so how can one exit that house-of-illusion

When you hear people say "I've heard the arguments, but maybe there is such a thing as reincarnation," all this means is that they've never experienced the "light within," the "inner life." The reincarnation question will not be solved by the power of reason and fact-gathering alone. This is why it's still debated on the other side, where people live in alternate realities which reflect errant belief-systems. Only a mystical experience will finally elucidate.



Editor's last word: