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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

Dr. Peebles I

"Why should you want to come back again? to being confined in a small body and have no will of your own? In the spirit world you are free to travel everywhere; you do not need a physical body. Why go back into that prison again? Why should a child, ready to enter high school, go back to the sixth grade?"

"You can learn in one day here what it takes 10 or 12 years to learn on Earth."



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The following is an excerpt from the memoirs of Dr. Carl and Anna Wickland:



Why should you go back to being confined in a small body and have no will of your own? 

Dr. Wickland, Thirty Years Among The Dead:

A venerable family friend, Dr. J. M. Peebles, former Consul to Turkey, world traveler and, for sixty years, an international lecturer on psychic science, passed on at the age of ninety-nine and has since spoken through Mrs. Wickland upon various occasions, sometimes bringing earthbound spirits for enlightenment.

Spirit: DR. J. M. PEEBLES.

Spirit: Good Evening, my friends. I thank you for opening the door so I could bring in the ones that are in misery and have them find understanding. I like to be here with you and I like to help you with your work.

Doctor: Whoever you are, you are very welcome.

Sp. You know who I am. This is Dr. Peebles. I am young now. I was always young in spirit but my body commenced to grow old and I could not always do as I wished. I should very much have liked to live to be one hundred years old, but I could not. I had a most beautiful celebration on my hundredth birthday in the spirit world among friends.

I was very glad to go. When I reached the spirit world I was glad to find such glory and happiness and beauty. I understood about the spirit world but it cannot be described. I cannot tell you how it is...

I traveled around the world five times, saw many conditions of life and heard many different lectures on the Great Truth. Let us not have beliefs. Let us only learn to understand the grandeur of God. Realize that this little Earth is only a grammar school. It is not a University, not even a High School; it is only the first lesson of life. Many do not learn in that school.

Dr. (Who had been discussing reincarnation with a member of the circle, jestingly.) They reincarnate again!

Sp. (Earnestly.) No, they do not. Why should you want to come back again? Why should you go back to being confined in a small body and have no will of your own? In the spirit world you are free to travel everywhere; you do not need a physical body. Why go back into that prison again? Why should a child, ready to enter High School, go back to the Sixth, Seventh or Eighth grade?

Those of you who are here at the present time, when you have learned the primary lesson of life, would you like to go back into a small body, and know nothing? When you travel, you learn. You can learn in one day here what it takes ten or twelve years to learn on earth. If you feel like seeing things, you travel.

During my life I studied Reincarnation, and also Mrs. Cora Richmond's Re-embodiment.

Ques. What is Re-embodiment?

Dr. It is a projection of self into the physical to acquire certain experiences.

Sp. She believed you had to have many experiences; that you had to be a murderer, a thief, a salesman, a tailor, that you must learn all the trades and professions. Why can't you learn these experiences through others? If you come in contact with a man, you do not need to be perfect to profit by his experience. You can learn by object lessons. We teach children by object lessons and so it is through life.

In the spirit world, if you wish to see a big factory making all sorts of machinery, you can, as a spirit, go there by thinking and can learn all about it. If you want to learn what they are doing in other parts of the world, in Russia, Germany, England, Indian, Australia, think and you are there, and so learn your lessons. Should you then be born again?

All you learn in [Earth] life is only like a day in spirit. I do not mean you grasp it all at once. You have nothing to hold you when you are free - remember, a free spirit, free and open to learn.

Dr. For instance, here, when we want to know what is in a book, we have to go through it. In the spirit world, I presume you sense the contents.

Sp. Yes, you sense it by feeling. When you are in the body, you have to act through the brain, and it is difficult, but in the spirit world you are free. You have no brain to interfere. Life is everlasting. Everything you have learned through life that belongs to the soul is stored in your memory, but so long as you live in the material body the cells clog up. You lose your memory because the spirit cannot work on the brain cells as well in old age as in youth. The cells are not so active, and there are times when memory is shut out.

There are times when you feel like a drowning man; everything stands before you, things which have been forgotten. As spirits we have our memory, but when we come back and control a medium, sometimes even our names are forgotten. We get into another body, very much like obsession.

Dr. That must be a form of obsession.

Sp. No, it is not. When obsession takes place, the spirit clings to that body and it is hard to let go. I would say that there is not one person on earth who is not obsessed in one way or another. You know, in olden times, when I was a young boy, life was very different from what it is now. We did not hurry, because there was nothing to hurry for. Now, life is all hurry. People are living too rapid a life. If a man does not work fast, they say, "Quit him"; if he does not do that and that, "Quit him."

Nowadays people have to be so keen that the nervous system fails and they lose themselves; then the spirits step in. If you were a clairvoyant and walked down some busy street, You would be surprised to find how many persons have invisible company...

Do not become hypnotized in any way by dogma, creed or belief, but find God within yourself and be free. Ask to hear, to see, to feel and to know God, then your eyes will be opened to spiritual things and you will not want to come back to this earth life again.

You could not live on earth more than once - no, no! You cannot light again a candle that has burned out. Life is progression not retrogression. You go from one degree to another, and so on and on.

In the spirit world your time is so taken up with duties that you have no time to think of coming back. You want to see your friends and you want to travel, because you can see all you want to when you are free and have understanding.

Many ask, "How about children who have passed out and have not had earth life experience?" They have it. The spirit of the mother's love brings the children to her, often they are around her and in this way learn of earth life. They are also taught. We have, in the spirit world, teachers of higher things, and they teach by object lessons. We take children to schools of various kinds and teach them God's wonders. There they learn the real life, not merely reading and writing... Our schools teach progression to a higher life. I wish you could open your eyes to see how rapidly the children progress by object lessons...



reprinted from the "surrender 1-minute" page:

We have spoken of the false self as ‘relentless’ in its efforts to dominate. Is this a force of evil within us?

In the above section, we have discussed how the attacks by the “small ego”, especially at times, can be non-stop. It will dredge up, if it has to, unsavory images even from early childhood, in order to create a “me against them” dynamic. And if one image fails, then another will quickly take its place. It wants us to feel the separateness, the "otherness."

For a long time, I considered this process to be a festering evil within my mind. But, upon further reflection, this cannot be so. As put forward in “The Wedding Song” discourse, God never creates evil. God sees no evil in anything in the world! From our myopic point of view, however, many painful things on planet Earth can seem – what we call – “evil”, but everything that God provides is for our long-term good.

I have come to understand, my current view, that what I’ve judged to be the “relentless” ego, never giving up, is part of the divine spirit which is insistent -- more insistent than we ourselves would choose to be – insistent that we become individualized, autonomous, expressions of God’s Consciousness. It won’t give up on its goal of making us mature stand-alone sons or daughters of God. It is absolutely relentless in this regard.

Editor’s note: As we sensitize our spirits by greater degrees of alignment with Source, we begin to perceive how God works in the world. As George Harrison commented from the other side, those “wandering souls”, however, for whom the riches of the true self lie dormant and “self-[un]discovered,” will see what we call evil. Case in point: reincarnation. As Dr. Peebles from the next world stated, those who have not discovered the inner life will want to come back. They see no other way. And consider a channeled opinion by Edgar Cayce such that he wonders how so many wayward souls will ever be saved, even with his promoted many lives. But there is no need for concern here, all is well in hand, because the spirit of God, within each of us, is relentless in its efforts to bring us to sanity. For the hard-core, it many take a thousand years of suffering, but the relentless spirit of God will bring them home – and this, with just one life, which is all anyone needs, because it's eternal.



Editor's last word:

Dr. Peebles passed on in 1922. His testimony offered via Anna Wickland is some of the wisest and most helpful I’ve encountered over the years. However, during the last hundred years, extending to the present day, several other mediums have claimed that Peebles speaks through them. I have not reviewed them all but, one of them especially, to be frank, I do not believe that the Dr. Peebles we’ve known is speaking. The current version strikes me as a silly spirit, mouthing empty platitudes, babbling, moreover, at times, spewing nonsense, teachings contrary to natural law, of the sort that the 1922 Peebles would disown. One needs to be careful of identities as mischievous spirits are not unknown to impersonate a famous teacher.