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Reincarnation On Trial

The 500 tape-recorded messages suggest that the concept of reincarnation originated over there, not on the Earth plane. “The 500” represent a class of many millions in the next world who are psychologically off-base, self-loathing, and emotionally needy, with the teaching of reincarnation as something they want and need to believe in.



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There is no clear and definitive statement among “the 500” messages asserting, “The concept of reincarnation is our idea, it was developed over here, not in your world.”

But then, once you get to know this crowd, you wouldn’t expect them to make a pronouncement like this. For them, it’s understood, a given, and “we don’t have to waste our breath talking about the obvious.”

As you listen to “the 500”, it doesn’t take long to understand that they have a very high opinion of themselves. In everything; and you don’t count so much.

Yes, in everything, not just the doctrine of reincarnation. And let me say that it’s not only “the 500” but, if you read a good many of the channeled books from the last hundred years, you’ll find that the vast majority of them fit in very well with their arrogant and "all knowing" “500” cousins.

Here’s what I mean. A survey of that literature and recordings will reveal statements like this:

“You people of the Earth are mistaken. You think that we don’t have rivers, and lakes, and meadows, and mountains, and oceans over here. But we have everything over here. And a lot more than you have. You're the ones who are lacking.”

“The inhabitants of the Earth think they have nice gardens with beautiful flowers. Well, let us tell you that your flowers are drab and dull compared to ours. In fact, we have lots of flowers over here you’ve never seen. And colors? We have colors you’ve never dreamed of.”

“You think your world is the original pattern and we’re the knock-off? Your world is the pale black-and-white copy, and our world is the real world, the full-color, vivid and alive world.”

"You of the Earth are proud of your scientific inventions. You think we don't know about tech over here. But let us inform you that every scientific breakthrough and new invention of your world was first designed and thought about in our world, by our scientists and our university labs. We inspired those ideas, we gave them to you.”

"You’re impressed with the child prodigies, with the Mozarts and Shakespeares of your world? We hate to break the news to you but all of those very talented ones had psychic abilities, and they received their advanced gifts and information from us.”

“All of the big things, the great ideas, come from us! We're the ones who are over here, in the real world, not you, and we really know."  This last sentiment was often repeated by "the 500."

We could go on listing items like this. But here’s one of a darker shade, how they influence is in a negative way.

In Franchezzo’s missionary journeys into the Dark Realms he encountered the dictators and henchmen of history. And how do they spend their time these days? They work hard at attempting to find willing and naïve individuals of our world through whom them might continue to encourage despotism and totalitarian control. Just like they did it in the good old days. What this means is that the most corrupt politicians of the Earth unwittingly take their marching orders and inspiration from the real power bosses in the Dark Realms.

And so it goes. But concerning “R”, they over there would guffaw at the notion that anything as pernicious and disheartening could be conjured in our world. And here's why.

There are millions, hundreds of millions, of psychologically off-kilter persons over there. They're materialistic in their thinking and seek for the approval of others. They want to be teachers but cannot manage their own lives. They suffer from self-loathing.

All this mayhem afflicts those of our world, too, but it's different over there. Here, we can hide, play roles, and assume postures of normalcy, but over there, where the principle of "thoughts are things" takes to itself a new reality, it's harder to indulge in the "games that people play". What this means is that suffering ones over there, out of touch with natural law, find themselves in existential crisis.

As such, they seek for ways to end their miserable immortal lives. However, this is not so easy. But they try. And one of the ways that they attempt to be rid of themselves is via reincarnation. In their miseries and dysfunctions, they dreamed up this method which, to them, is their way out of the hopelessness of their egoic lives.

To understand more clearly the issues discussed here you'll want to read the article, "the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side."

“The 500” writing I count as one of the most important on the Word Gems site. It reveals aspects of life in Summerland that are not generally known, even among those who research this area.

read 'the 500' article here


Editor's last word: