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'Cosmic Voices'

John Lewis



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John Robert Lewis (1940-2020) was an American statesman and civil rights leader who served in the United States House of Representatives for Georgia's 5th congressional district from 1987 until his death in 2020. Lewis was one of the "Big Six" leaders of groups who organized the 1963 March on Washington. He fulfilled many key roles in the civil rights movement and its actions to end legalized racial segregation in the United States.

via Jeanne Love, August 4, 2020

... But I now feel I must bring that as a reminder to all of you, and then whoever you touch and speak with, that they can be gifted that knowing of this beautiful new, light-web that is being built underneath the chaos. I would like you to visualize it that way, because that's the way I'm showing it to her [Jeanne]. And it's just underneath everything. There are so many reasons why things are the way they are -- I will not take the time for that. But let's just say it's more than this world that is affecting us. But that also brings in more than this world to help us. I always thought of it as being a divine power and a divine energy when in truth It's the "aliens." But our understanding of "aliens" is not really exactly what is going on.

I feel I've taken enough of your meeting time. But I'm honored to be able to speak and to touch you as you have all touched me so greatly. And to continue to have some kind of mouthpiece, some spokesmanship gift. Not that I need to give any more speeches. I've done my share.

But I love this world. I love its people. And inherently I believe in their goodness, in spite of all the dark things that happened to me, and to so many people of color, and people who were fighting for justice. But there really is a unique accumulation of truth and connectedness. And it may take a while to prevail and to redirect and to calm the storm and quell the chaos.  But it will happen because that foundational webbing is far stronger in love than anything that has been woven in hate. And so I will leave all of you with that tonight, and Blessings to you all. Thank you so much.



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