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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


'Cosmic Voices'

Carrie Fisher



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Carrie Frances Fisher (1956-2016) was a prolific actress, writer and comedienne, perhaps best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films, She was the daughter of singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds. She died of cardiac arrest on December 27, 2016, at age 60, four days after experiencing a medical emergency during a flight from London to Los Angeles.

via Jeanne Love, August 3, 2020

In the wake of the world’s tragedies, what if we were to awaken one day and find that all the darkness had been lifted, the sadness was gone, and the tortuous grief had disappeared? ...

When I speak of one day awakening to find that the darkness has lifted, the tortuous grief and sadness has been removed, I would be speaking of where I reside now. And then you might ask: “How do we get that HERE…on this earth plane?”

And I would reply…”It is already inside of you.”

This fascination we have with the outer world being the answer to our happiness, our prayers for a happier healthy time is just plain -- well, lies. I went to the highest mountain tops, searched for happiness in substances, therapies, people, and I found none of it stopped my inner turmoil, the voices, the indifference.

I never learned how to walk with myself the way I had created myself. I was always fighting myself, denying myself, dulling my feelings with pills or booze etc. You can fill in the blanks. 

But in my later years I accepted my disease, and that acceptance brought some relief, if only in that I didn’t fight myself as I had in the past.

My words, if there is any wisdom that may resonate with the reader, would be: Love your creation. You are here to learn about Consciousness. What it is, how you shape it, how you can erase and begin again. Embrace your flaws, your behaviors, love yourself…LOVE YOURSELF!

As you feel the impact positively on your thoughts and inner chatter you will begin to realize that what I spoke of at the beginning, the disappearance of darkness, tortuous sadness and grief is removed when you as an individual erase the belief system of all that you have created for yourself through old programs, karmic lives and expectations from the outer world...

You don’t have to die -- leave the body -- to find your inner nirvana. The illusion is that you are stuck -- but we are only stuck if we believe ourselves to be limited, ordinary and unchangeable. That is why we are here: to unlearn that system of thinking and creating. We are here to unlearn the untruth and to re-establish the Truth of Consciousness, that we are an ever-expanding, always improving being. We are here to REMEMBER that.

My words, insight that I bring to you who are called to read this: Never give up! But do step aside from the old indoctrination and programming of what and who you are or should be.  Look inside, please go exploring, and through the exploring find a new reference point founded in LOVE -- Love for your own creation, Love for the promise of growing exponentially, and Love for humanity moving constantly forward to experience the power of creation through the soul of LOVE.

I remain yours, forever, Carrie.



Carrie Fisher

via Jeanne Love

December 15, 2019

It has been almost 3 years since I left the human world and my human body behind...

I can fly like Mary Martin in Peter Pan and travel to SO many beautiful places. I have been reunited with friends and family and some wonderful co-workers. I have seen the stars in ways even the most advanced technology cannot duplicate.

I have also met the sickest, most despicable beings. And yet, through these travels I have still found my home, my heart, my light.

I have experienced more people passing; their deaths tremendous opportunities to understand the passage of the soul when it changes shape. I have heard the cries and followed the energy of regret through so many who are housed in our glorious "penal colonies" on this side. I have sung my own songs in the middle of the ocean and gained a sense of peace beyond words in this human form. I have swum with the biggest whales and creatures of the deep blue sea and I have sat on the moon with others, looking back at our tiny blue planet wondering why it is so hard to be kind…awakened…without fear...

I have watched as the world has become darker and darker. As dismay and delusion have broken the spirits of so many fine, kind and loving souls.

I have grieved the horror of each of them as they have forgotten the connection to GOD…whatever GOD remains to be for them. And I have spoken with the greats…those leaders whose lives were cut short, making them martyrs but not really helping the forward motion to peace and equality.

I have sung We Shall Overcome with MLK, Jr. I have walked with Gandhi and said his mantras. I have looked for those who left at the hand of Jim Jones to ask them "why?" And I have gone to my own people in LA and asked them "why?"

As of late I have come back here. I got tired of traipsing the beautiful mountains and valleys of Nepal, the rugged energies of the Himalayas.  The hardest place to leave was Tibet...




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